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Grampian Primary Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We all work together to create and maintain a safe, happy environment at our school, and take action when there are child welfare concerns.

Grampian has a dedicated safeguarding team of four members of staff to ensure that the children are kept as safe as possible:

Safeguarding role Staff member
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Caroline Spooner (SENDCo)
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Laura Hanser (Deputy Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Paul Carpenter ( Headteacher)
Safeguarding Officer Hannah Upton

Should you have any concerns about the welfare, health or safety of a child please contact one of the team at

You can view our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in the Policies section of this website.

Out of hours emergency

If you have safeguarding concerns about a child out of school hours, including during school holidays and weekends, you can phone Derby City Social Care directly on 01332 641172.

If you wish to contact a member of the safeguarding team out of school hours, you can email

Taking and using photos at school

When your child starts Grampian, we ask parents/carers to complete a permission form to allow images of your child to be published by the school on the school's website and social media accounts, in newsletters and other publications, and sometimes promotional materials. The photos may also be used for similar purposes by our Trust, Anthem.

You can change your parental preference at any time by contacting the school office.

Taking and using of photos or other digital images by parents and carers

We are happy for parents and carers to take photos and videos at school events for personal use, but please could we remind you that these images must not be shared or put online (e.g. on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc) unless they are only of your own children. This is to safeguard all members of the school community.