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Proud to be part of

The wider curriculum

Art and Design

We use Kapow Art and Design as the basis for our curriculum in art and design. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills in four key areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting and mixed media
  • Sculpture and 3D
  • Craft and design

We enhance the curriculum by working in partnership with artists and craftspeople from the local area, who work with children to undertake both short and long-term projects.


We use iCompute as the basis for our curriculum in computing. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills in three key areas:

  1. Computer Science
  2. Digital Literacy and eSafety
  3. Information Technology

In addition to the taught computing lessons, technology is an embedded part of teaching and learning across the curriculum, enabling children to practise and apply their skills in meaningful ways. Wherever possible, we seek to provide children with the opportunity to use technology safely and responsibly.

Design and Technology

We use Kapow Design and Technology as the basis for our curriculum in design and technology. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills in six key areas:

  1. Cooking and Nutrition
  2. Mechanical Systems
  3. Textiles
  4. Electrical Systems
  5. Structures
  6. Digital World

We enhance the curriculum by working in partnership with designers and engineers from the local area, who work with children to undertake both short and long-term projects.

Humanities (History and Geography)

In History and Geography, our curriculum develops children’s substantive knowledge and understanding through the construction of ‘fact families’, as children return to content and concepts over time in a structured, progressive framework of thematic study.

It also develops children’s disciplinary knowledge and understanding through the teaching of four subject skills. In History, these are:

  1. Understanding chronology
  2. Using and applying vocabulary
  3. Conducting historical enquiry
  4. Using historical evidence

In Geography, these are:

  1. People and Place
  2. My World
  3. Conducting geographical enquiry
  4. Using and applying vocabulary

We enhance the curriculum by providing the opportunity to visit places of historical interest and welcoming visitors and guests into school.

MFL (Spanish)

We use Language Angels as the basis for our curriculum in Spanish. This is a structured, progressive framework that teaches the four key language learning skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through a variety of relevant, broad, vibrant and ambitious topics and themes. The learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for the children.

In Key Stage 1, children experience Spanish through the opportunity to listen to and join in with rhymes and songs, use simple greetings and learn keywords.

In Key Stage 2, the children begin to learn some basic Spanish during weekly lessons.


We use Charanga as the basis for our curriculum in Music. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills in seven key areas:

  1. Listening and appraising
  2. Musical activities and games
  3. Singing
  4. Playing instruments
  5. Improvisation
  6. Composition
  7. Performing

Our music curriculum is taught by an experienced specialist teacher of music, who teaches children from Nursery to Year 6. We enhance the curriculum by providing extracurricular opportunities that enable children to develop their skills and interests in different aspects of music.

Physical Education (PE)

We use Striver as the basis for our curriculum in PE. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills in four key areas:

  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Dance
  • Games

In KS2, children also have the opportunity to learn to swim.

Some of our PE curriculum is taught by a sports coach, who teaches children from Year 1 to Year 6. We enhance the curriculum by providing extracurricular opportunities that enable children to develop their skills and interests in different aspects of sport and PE.

Religious Education (RE)

We use the locally agreed syllabus as the basis for our curriculum in RE. Grampian is situated in an area of rich religious, cultural and ethnic diversity. The RE curriculum enables children to understand this richness and appreciate how it creates a vibrant community in which to live and learn through the teaching of six religions:

  1. Christianity
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Judaism
  5. Islam
  6. Sikhism

Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)

We use Jigsaw as the basis for our curriculum in PSHE. This structured, progressive framework provides the opportunity for children to develop their skills and understanding across six key themes:

  1. Being Me in my World
  2. Celebrating Difference
  3. Dreams and Goals
  4. Healthy Me
  5. Relationships
  6. Changing Me

Jigsaw also incorporates our RHSE curriculum. The government's statutory guidance for RHSE can be found here.